Tell Me About Your Sunscreen…
When I was a kid, I never thought about sunscreen or what we used to call suntan lotion. I don't even remember worrying about SPF or sunburns until I was in high school (and I had some bad ones).
Trying to Kick Some Bad Eating Habits…
How are you doing with your eating habits lately? Are you a stress eater? Or are you someone who barely remembers to eat because you’re too busy ticking off things on your to-do list?
Burnout Myths
Do you know that there are lots of people (you may be one) who believe that there's no such thing as burnout? That burnout is really just stress in overdrive. Well let me tell you burnout is real. It's more than being stressed.
Do You Ever Stop To Think …
I'm starting with a disclaimer here. I am not a Buddhist. As a yogi, however, I've learned many Buddhist teachings as well as Hindu/Sanskrit teachings.
Too Pressured To Admit Burnout:
It used to be that we labeled people as being burned out when they had been working for many long hard years in a lousy job or with a tyrannical boss or, heaven forbid, when they were too old for the job.
Yoga Nidra - Bliss For Your Brain.
When it comes to anxiety and stress, yoga nidra really can be magical. I have personally experienced radical changes in my life from this practice.
Are You A Perfectionist?
We all know high achievers. Maybe you are a high achiever yourself. Nothing wrong with that… unless your need for achievement or perfection is driven by a fear of failure. Perfectionism is typically a learned behavior.
Out Of Control?
As I write this, I'm taking a deep breath and pause. To become grounded in my thoughts… because lately they have been racing all over the place.